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Guilsfield Primary School

Guilsfield Primary School

Believe, Aspire, Explore and Achieve

How to Apply

Every child is entitled to receive up to five terms of part time early years education prior to the start of compulsory education. 

Educational Hours

The table below shows when your child will become eligible for up to 5 terms of funded part-time pre-school provision:

If your child was born between Eligible Term
1st April & 31st August Autumn Term after their 3rd birthday
1st September & 31st December Spring Term after their 3rd birthday
1st January & 31st March Summer Term after their 3rd birthday

To apply for early years education hours please go to the Powys website ( and browse the 'schools and students' section, click on the 'Applying for a School Place' and follow the guidance.

Childcare Hours

For childcare hours once again go to the Powys website and click on 'children , families and young people' followed by ' Family information service' and then click on ' childcare offer Wales'. All the information is on that page along with an application form.

The Guilsfield 3 Year Old Setting is open from 9am to 3pm each school day and the split between educational and childcare is as follows:


Morning 9am to 11:30am = educational 

11:30am to 3pm = Childcare



Morning 9am to 11:30am = educational 

11:30am to 3pm = Childcare



Morning 9am to 11:30am = educational 

11:30am to 3pm = Childcare



Morning 9am to 11:30am = educational 

11:30am to 3pm = Childcare



9am to 3pm = Childcare


If you need any assistance with applying for education or childcare hours, or would like to discuss this further with a member of staff please telephone us on 01938 554042 or email:


Many thanks

Guilsfield Playgroup Team